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Manual  New link

The function New link is primarily meant for parts which are stored several times in different directories. (This could be accessories, but don't have to be.)

Different scenarios are thinkable:

  • All multiply used parts in one central folder

  • A central collection folder for all parts that could come up in the entire catalog. In each of the chapters there is a collection folder for parts that only come up in this chapter.

[Note] Note

This approach is recommended for all projects (within one catalog)!

This minimizes the size of the catalog and results in more clarity.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Create a directory for the link projects.

  2. In the context menu of this directory, click on New link.

    -> An Explorer window is opened.

  3. In the Explorer select the desired project and confirm with OK.

    -> The linked project is marked with a blue arrow.

    Blue arrow

    Blue arrow

If entire directories are to be linked, conduct this change in the dir.def mit folgender Syntax vor.


Check reference path

When selecting a linked project, you can see the referenced project in the title bar.

Delete link to project

If you wish to delete a link, click on Delete link to project in the context menu.

Use case

All parts that come up frequently in a catalog (e.g., screws, accessories, etc.), are deposited in a "common pool".

This directory is normally invisible (Hide folder). Projects from many other directories are linked in the "commonpool" directory.



PARTdataManager: In the title bar you can see the "true" storage location.

PARTdataManager: In the title bar you can see the "true" storage location.

Restricted Display:

Optionally, you can specify a table restriction for link projects. Hereto, in the input field Restricted Display, use Fortran syntax (see Section 15.2, “Constants, Functions, Operators, mathematical expressions ”).

In PARTdataManager, only allowed table rows are displayed then.


  • D (Nominal thread) > 10

    PARTproject: Parts with D > 10

    PARTproject: Parts with D > 10

    PARTdataManager: Parts with D > 10

    PARTdataManager: Parts with D > 10

  • D (Nominal thread) < 10

    PARTproject: Parts with D < 10

    PARTproject: Parts with D < 10

    PARTdataManager: Parts with D < 10

    PARTdataManager: Parts with D < 10

Also compare Links to parts under Section 4.9.3, “ Tabbed page 3D project ”. (Similarity in name but different purpose)