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4.2.2. Opening PARTeditor

In order to open PARTeditor,in other words to work on the attribute table, do the following:

  1. In the Project selection mark the files *.tab or *.tac.

    -> In the Edit project dialog a preview of the table shows up.

  2. Click on Edit.

    You now have two options:

    1. The file already contains content and you want to edit it.

      -> PARTeditor opens directly.



    2. The file still has no content, which you can now apply:

      You will be asked in the Edit file window, whether or not the file *.tab is to be applied.

      Import variables from 3db file

      Import variables from 3db file

      If desired, set a checkmark at the option field Use variable from table so that the variables will be transferred to PARTdesigner and confirm with OK.

      -> PARTeditor opens.

[Note] Note

A detailed description of PARTeditor can be found under ???.