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Manual  Rotate...
  1. Open the context menu of the sketch by right-clicking and select the command Base -> Rotate....

    Open: Base -> Rotate...

    Open: Base -> Rotate...

The sketch is displayed in the 3D view

The sketch is displayed in the 3D view

[Note] Note

Prerequisite for the rotation of a 2-D sketch is a Rotation axis . In case you have not yet assigned one in the 2-D Sketcher, the following error message will pop up when you click on Rotate....

The Rotation axis is displayed dashed in the sketch view.

  1. -> The Rotational solid window opens.

  2. Set the criteria (Angle, etc.) for the rotation and confirm with OK.

    Information for the remaining fields can be seen in Section, “ Extrude... ”.

  1. -> In the 3D view you can see that a cylinder was made from the two-dimensional display of the rectangle.

    The directory tree in the History has been expanded with the point Base rotate 1. You may change the name. However, use only ANSI characters (in other words: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and spaces).

    History - Rotation completed

    History - Rotation completed

3D view - Rotation completed

3D view - Rotation completed