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Manual  Read CSV-file

Before a text file can be shown as a PARTeditor table, you must make some adjustments.

Example - Text file

Example - Text file

  1. In the Open file window, select the File type Text files (*.csv;*.txt) as well as the desired text files.

    --> The Read CSV-file window opens up.

    1. Which columns should be exported from the text file?

      In the Header field you can determine which elements of the text file should be transferred to the column header of the table. Set a checkmark next to the desired expressions. Should you not agree with the order, simply click on the respective part and drag it to the desired place. The expression at the top becomes the title of the column.

    2. Check text recognition symbols

      PARTeditor can only properly read out data records, when an information (value, character sting) ends or a new one begins. Therefore the delimiters and Sign of text identification must be specified.

      Based on the example file (see following fig.) in the field Separator you must enter a Comma , and in the Sign of text identification a quotation mark sign .

      Treat consecutive separators as one symbol

      In many text files, several consecutive blanks separate the individual information items. In order to prevent PARTeditor interpreting each individual blank as a separate delimiter, you can handle delimiters as one sign with this option.

    3. Determine number format

      If no unit has yet been defined within the text file, you can do this in the Unit for numeric variables field.

      Decimal places can be separated either by a comma or by a period. You can define this in the Separators for mantissa field.

  2. Confirm with Next >.

    --> In the following window, you can already gain an initial idea of the PARTeditor table. If you still wish to make changes, you can move back to the previous window with < Back. The fields themselves can be edited.

    If you are satisfied with the settings, conclude with Ready.

    --> The table is then imported.

  3. Save the new table file which you have created.

    [Note] Note

    You must provide ID data ID data table (seeSection, “ ID data ”).