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8.6. Controlling PARTeditor externally - DDE commands

The table below lists the DDE commands with which PARTeditor can be activated externally. The server name and topic name must be PARTeditorfor all commands.

Poke translations :

Data can be transferred to PARTeditor with a Poke command. The Parameterof a Poke command for controlling PARTeditor is always a String .




Opens a characteristic attribute file

This command loads a characteristic attribute file.

Parameter: file path

Example: c:/temp/test.tab


Saves a characteristic attribute file

This command allows the current characteristic attribute file to be saved.

Parameter: File path

Example: c:/temp/test.tab


Closes the PARTeditor


Clear error message buffer

Error messages are not output in Hidden mode but are written to a buffer. The messages can be fetched from this buffer with the Request command GetErrorMsg.


Starts editing table

This command must be invoked if the table is to be edited by DDE. The command must be invoked after LoadTable.


Ends editing table

This command must be invoked when editing of the table is complete. The command must be invoked before SaveTable.


Changes a value in the table

The command is used to change a value in the table.

Parameters: Column, Row, Value

Example: 0,5, "New value"


Polls a value from the table

The command is used to poll a value of the table. The value can be fetched with the Request command in GetResult.

Parameters: Column, Row

Example: 0,5


Adds a table variable

Parameters: Name, Designation, Data type

1st example: "IDNO","Ident number","A10"

--> Generates the text variable IDNO with a maximum text length of 10 characters.

2nd example: "L","Length","F5.3"

--> Generates numeric variable L with 5 places in front of the decimal point and 3 places after the decimal point.


Determines variable name

Determines the name of the table variable. The name can be fetched with the Request command GetResult.

Parameter: Column number

Example: 0


Determines column

Determines the column number for a variable name.

The result can be fetched with the Request command GetResult.

Parameter: Variable name

Example: IDNR


Determines number of columns

The result can be fetched with the Request command GetResult.


Determines number of rows

The result can be fetched with the Request command GetResult.

Request transactions

Request transactions allow values or status information to be polled from PARTeditor. All Request transactions return strings.




Fetches result of a Poke command

Certain Poke commands produce results. Command GetResult allows these results to be determined.


Fetches error messages

If PARTeditor launched in Hidden mode (Invoked with parameter hidden), it does not issue error messages. These error messages can be polled instead with GetErrorMsg.