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Manual  HTML text attribute on face

HTML text attribute on face is shown in PARTdesigner immediately after creation, later then in PARTsolutions and PARTcommunity.

Example of HTML text attribute on face in PARTdesigner

Example of HTML text attribute on face in PARTdesigner

In order to create a text attribute at a face, enter the desired text into the field HTML text attribute on face.

More complex examples:

  • Image with absolute link:

    <img src=“$CADENAS_DATA/pics/mypic.jpg“>
  • Image with link to server plus depending on variable value (z.B. ARITKELNUMMER)

    <img src="http://someserver/getImage?ARTNR=$ARITKELNUMMER."> 

    In addition, the article number shall be entered below the image.


    [Note] Note


    Program calculations automatically differentiate between link and text. Just to be safe that the processing is function perfectly, you can add the parameter encoding with respective value.

    • For links: encoding=percent


      <img src="http://someserver/getImage?ARTNR=$ARITKELNUMMER(encoding=percent)."> 

    • For text: encoding=HTML

