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Manual  Type "Value range variable with graphics"

If graphics shall be shown at value range variables in addition then select the type Value range variable with graphics.

The figure shows a created Value range variable with graphics in the PARTdesigner

The figure shows a created Value range variable with graphics in the PARTdesigner

In the following, with the help of a little example, it is explained, how to create Value ranges with images:[90]

  1. In the first step you create a value range variable in the Variable Manager. Here exemplarily FORM.

    Create a variable with the respective parameters.[91]

    • Name: Here exemplarily "FORM".

    • Save location: Select In geometry and table.

      [Note] Note

      For value range variables, parameters have to be saved both in the 3db file and in the tab/tac file. That's why you have to select In geometry and table.

    • DIN / ISO-ID: optionally

    • Unit: optionally

    • Data type:

      [Note] Note

      Note the correlation of the data types.

      When stating a number for the internal value under Equation, then, under Data type, you have to state a numerical type as well. When stating text for the internal value under Equation, then, under Data type, you have to state "Text" as well.

    • Identification type: Here Geometry attribute

    • Status: Select the option Value range variable with graphics.

    • Equation:

      Under Equation enter all parameters with correct syntax.

      [Note] Note

      For the type Value range variable with graphics each value consists of three comma separated parameters.


      0,'A','form_a_400px.png', 1,'B','form_b_400px.png'

      1. Parameter


      2. Parameter


      3. Parameter

      Path/Name of graphic inclusive file extension

      1 B form_b_400px.png

      The respectively first value denotes the internally used value, the respectively second value the display value in the table , the respectively third value the name of the graphic. Don't forget to include the file extension in the file name.

      Depending on whether the internally used value is text or number, under Data type the correct selection has to be made. Text or Integer/Decimal number.

      The used graphics have to be made available in png format, quadratic, with the max. size of 400 x 400 px in the project directory.

  2. In the second step, in the Sketcher, create a sketch, which will be used for a "Cut".

  3. In the third step the cutting sketch gets a respective Condition, which creates the cut depending on the value selection of the variable FORM.

    Only create, if Only create, if

    Only create, if

    [Note] Note

    Make sure to use the same variable type as in the equation.

    1 is stated as numerical variable (without quotation marks), as in the equation the internal value has been stated as numerical variable as well.

    0,'A','form_a_400px.png', 1,'B','form_b_400px.png'

  4. Test the functionality directly in PARTdesigner, in the docking window Table. (With the button, you can show/hide value range variables.)

    Click into the value range field and select the desired value.

  5. Just as well you can test in the PARTdataManager. Table view and value selection is identical as in the PARTdesigner.

    In the column FORM, click on the value range icon and choose the desired form.

    FORM A

    FORM A

    FORM B

    FORM B

    In a table column, you can optionally display graphics instead of text in PARTdataManager.

    Precondition for this is, that in PARTproject, on the tabbed page General, in the block Variables, under Variables containing graphics, the respective variable name is entered (here exemplarily FORM).

    PARTproject - Columns containing graphics

    PARTproject - Columns containing graphics


    With pressed Ctrl key and mouse wheel you can zoom graphics.

[90] The adequate example can be found in the "Training" catalog under \v11_news\value_ranges\value_ranges_with_graphic\value_ranges_with_graphic.prj.

[91] Basics on the procedure can be found under and Section 7.8.9, “ Variable Manager - The individual parameters”.